The use of models

Now we’ve accomplished the project by associating a feature page with a page, but for example we would like to have a single page that deals with insert and display heros. The concept of the models now comes into play. What we will do in this section is: we will create a hero page, transform the two pages insert and view into templates and recall them in the heroes page. As usual we create the heroes page. This time make sure to put the following line above the voices /heroes/*:

  ["/heros", "Heros", []],

and add it as before:

<li class="nav-item">
  <a class="nav-link" href="heros">heros</a>

Here we remember to delete the items in the menu we will no longer need it. We create the bundles/models/Heros.php file with the following code:

  class Heros extends Template {
    public function init() {
      $this->tags["title"]  .= "Heros";
      $this->tags["content"] = "<div>Hello world!</div>";

We continue to transform it into a model. Before I start I introduce an introduction to the models. Models are classes that extend Html. They have two main functions: init is the function that actually serves as a constructor, it serves to initialize the class; draw is the function that prints html. We take the bundles/views/View.php file and move it tobundles/models/View.php and we modify extends Template in extends Html. We modify the init eliminating all that is not necessary:

  public function init() {

and we rename our private function private function pageView() in public funcion draw(). We add the new module created to the heros class and say to $ this->tags["content"] to display a new function:

    new View()
  $this->tags["title"]  .= "Heros";
  $this->tags["content"] = $this->printPage();

let’s now create this function:

  private function printPage() {
    return jBlockEnd("twig", [
      "view" => $this->modules["View"]->draw()

Success: Now running the page we check if everything works properly.

The next step is to introduce the block to insert the heroes, as before we take the bundles/views/Insert.php file and move it to bundles/models/Insert.php to modify extends Template in extends Html. We modify the init eliminating all not necessary:

  public function init() {

We rename our private function private function pageInsert() in public funcion draw () and we rename our function private function insertFunction() in public funcion listener() . We also remove header ('Location: view');, is not longer needed. Now add this module to the hero class with 2 simple steps:

    new View(),
    new Insert()
  $this->tags["title"]  .= "Heros";
  $this->tags["content"] = $this->printPage();


  private function printPage() {
    return jBlockEnd("twig", [
      "view" => $this->modules["View"]->draw(),
      "insert" => $this->modules["Insert"]->draw()

Success: Now you can check the page to see if everything works correctly.